If you have never been to Greece yet, we warmly recommend you to start discovering this charming country by visiting Thessaloniki. Although it is the second largest town in Greece, it is easily walkable and blessed with a number of historical places. Beside the famous Thessaloniki beaches, the city is known as a Culinary Paradise and it has a great history printed on each old building.
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Вот почему вы, возможно, не захотите покупать PlayStation 5, Sony работает над PlayStation 5 Pro
Sony PlayStation 5 Pro будет поставляться с двумя графическими процессорами и будет конкурировать с Xbox Series X и высокопроизводительными игровыми ПК. PlayStation 5 от Sony стала таким хитом, что многим геймерам было почти невозможно достать консоль. И хотя с точки зрения вычислительной мощности она не такая высококлассная, как Xbox Series X, PS5 по-прежнему может запускать новейшие […]
Supply Chain Risks You Should Be Aware of
Even though supply chain disruptions are inevitable, you can still adopt certain strategies to minimize their impacts. Here are five supply chain risks you should be aware of when strategizing.
What is Better for SMEs: Free Trade or Protectionism?
Under free trade, goods can cross borders without any restrictions, allowing trade to be unrestricted and uninterrupted by high tariffs. On the other hand, protectionism allows tariffs, high taxes, and other restrictive regulations on products. When this happens, the flow of goods in a country begins to slow down. So which one is more effective […]