
Развязное поведение певца Славы Волка после концерта: нарушение образа или просто человеческая слабость?”

На публичных мероприятиях. Он известен своими необузданными выходками и пристрастием к алкоголю, что вызывает негативные реакции у многих людей. Журналисты и поклонники не перестают удивляться его безудержным поступкам и откровенным высказываниям, которые часто делают его объектом споров и доморощенного скандала. Он не раз попадал в ситуации, когда его разговоры находились под воздействием алкоголя и становились […]


“Певица Марина Лоренсо Кобра шокирует публику своим поведением в эфире”

Известная певица Марина Лоренсо Кобра, которая специализируется на мелодекламации, стала объектом обсуждения в социальных сетях. В трансляции было замечено, что артистка вела себя очень странно, вызывая беспокойство у пользователей. Артистка, которой исполнилось 50 лет, находилась в неком помещении, а кадры показывали ее одетой в пижаму. На фотографиях также было видно, как Марина делает приседания, что […]


Superfoods: A Super-Impact on the Environment

Superfoods, which are typically associated with sustainable production, are beginning to have a negative impact on the environment as a result of rising demand. Come read our blog to learn more.


Algeria’s Cash Allowance for the Unemployed

President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has finally announced a youth unemployment benefit, which will provide unemployed Algerians with a monthly stipend. Come read our blog to learn more about the grant.


Is a Frexit Possible after the Elections in France?

Seeing the success of Brexit for the UK has prompted France to consider exiting the European Union as well. So, is a Frexit a possibility in the near future?


Dubai E-Commerce Aggregator Raises $42M in Series A

Come check out our article to learn more about Opontia, a Dubai-based e-commerce aggregator, and how it raised nearly $42 million, as well as how it intends to use this funding.


New Regulations to Track the Movement of Goods between EU Countries

Intrastat, the European Union’s (EU) system for tracing the transit of goods between EU countries, has been subject to new criteria since this January. Here’s what to expect with the new regulations.


As Automation Is Here, How Can Employees Keep Their Jobs?

While automation offers a variety of benefits from increased efficiency to lower production costs, its development also means an increasing number of employees will lose their jobs. So, with the rise of automation, how can workers keep their jobs?


Fighting Inequality: China Announces Policy Support for SMEs

In an attempt to combat inequality, China has recently enacted a series of changes, which have caused considerable consternation in the West. Come check out our article to learn more about the new rules.


African Industries to Watch Out for in 2022

Africa will most certainly play a significant role in the next phase of global economic growth, with certain industries collaborating to propel the continent’s economy ahead. Here are five African industries to look out for in 2022.